Anyone can do this.

One of the very common things people want to do is to emphasise a few words. How emphatic are you feeling? Very or just a bit?

If you're feeling strongly about something then you can put it inside <strong> tags, like this:

<p>I just <strong>love</strong> seeing photos of people's pets. </p>

☛ I just love seeing photos of people's pets.

In most browsers that show a page to a visitor the emphasised word will probably come out in bold, while a speaking browser will use tone of voice.

If you feel less strongly then instead of strong you may choose emphasis tags, like this:

<p>I <em>love</em> seeing photos of people's pets. </p>

☛ I love seeing photos of people's pets.

That will likely be rendered in italics, or again, by a change in voice. The browser's built-in stylesheet determines what happens.

Let's control how emphasis looks with CSS

That text doesn't have to be rendered as bold or italic though — we could use CSS to do something different (or additional). We just need to add some rules to our stylesheet.

<p>I just <strong>love</strong> seeing photos of people's pets. </p>
<p>I <em>love</em> seeing photos of people's pets. </p>
  1. Copy the sentences above and paste them into first.html. Remember: save!
  2. Copy the code below and paste it into first.css below what's already there. Remember: save!
  3. Go to your web browser and refresh first.html.

Paste this code into your first.css file and save.

strong {

em {
Purple and green added with CSS.

We used CSS to make parts of the text purple or green — in this case emphasised words — and to remove bold and italics.

Both rules added a colour — you've done that before. What's new is the font-weight line and the font-style line. We set both to normal, taking away the bold and italics.

Next tutorial: how to do bold and italics that aren't for emphasis, but maybe film or book titles.